Thursday, October 9, 2014

H2O Boost - Slice It Up!

How many times have you been told to drink more water? Doesn't eight 8 ounce. glasses of water sound like a lot? 1.9 liters sounds even worse to me. And just think about all those trips to the "oval office" because your bladder is screaming at you?

Well, guess what? You really should be drinking all that water because it provides major health benefits. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs and carries nutrients to your cells. It's about as important as breathing. However, water is pretty plain tasting compared to coffee, tea or soda. Let me remind you of a simple (and tasty) way for you to flavor your water AND introduce even MORE health benefits.

Here it is! Are you ready?

Add a slice of lemon, lime or orange. If you really want to get fancy, add some mint or basil. Yeah, I know. Simple, right? Just adding a slice of citrus to your water will increase your vitamin C intake and help you fight cancer by bringing your body into a more balanced alkaline state.

Lemons and the like are packed with other nutrients too, like B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Here's a fun fact: they contain more potassium than apples or grapes! Shut the front door! 

I'm not saying you should stop taking whole food supplements, but it definitely can't hurt to add a little more to your vitamin intake throughout the day, every day, in a tasty way. Cheers!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Before The Plan

Seeing my eating habits now, you wouldn't even recognize my diet compared to what it was two months ago. Even my shopping habits are different. Believe it or not, I'm spending LESS on food because I'm cooking more and eating out less. Who ever said that eating healthier is more expensive is probably shopping at Whole Foods (or Whole Paycheck as many call it).

Before "The Plan", I would have a cup of coffee for breakfast and eat lunch at 11:30.  Lunch would consist of a sandwich, pretzels and maybe a few Oreo cookies. I would buy pizza at Porky's and call four slices dinner. My night time snack was a half a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Hey, it was from Trader Joe's so it must be kinda healthy, right?

Yeah, I had a wicked sweet tooth, but only second to my wicked salt addiction. I put salt on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Either granulated table salt or something like salted butter or soy sauce, it went on rice, popcorn, eggs, veggies, fruit... yes, even fruit, especially watermelon and cantaloupe. Salty foods like cheese and crackers pair really well with wine. Being a Sr. Wine Consultant with WineShop At Home made it easy for me to be around these types of foods consistently.

Looking back on what my daily food intake consisted of, it's tough not to be absolutely horrified, but it sure did explain why my "big pants" grew uncomfortably tight. Would you believe that I don't crave salt or sugar now? Would you believe I get excited about bell peppers and hummus as much as I used to get excited about pasta and garlic bread?

Before "The Plan", I was headed toward certain illness. I am so grateful that this plan came into my life and for the person who introduced me to it, I am forever indebted to her. It changed my life and for the better. If I could pay it forward, to do that for someone else, it would be a true blessing.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

13 Is A Lucky Number

Many people associate the number 13 with something unlucky. For me, 13 is a great number.  It's the date that my lovely daughter was born. It's also the number of pounds I've lost on my 8-week summer slim down challenge. Next Wednesday will mark the final week in the Ignition phase. It would be great to end this challenge with a loss of 15 pounds, so that is my goal for the week. I'd like to get back to 155 lbs which is where I was before I ballooned up to 170 lbs. Then I will continue to my ultimate goal: 135 lbs. That will be only 20 lbs away and this plan makes it totally achievable!

Here are my results this week:

Weight:  157.7 lbs (-1.9 lbs)
Neck: 13.75 in (-.25 in)
Bust: 42.5 in (+.25 in)
Waist: 35 in (-.5 in.)
Hips: 41.75 in (-.25 in)
Thigh: 18.5 in (-.5 in)
Arm: 11.5 in ( - )

We measured something new tonight: body fat percentage. I came in at 30% which is "normal" for my age, but it's a few points away from "healthy". If you have too high of a percentage, it could mean you're a good candidate for heart disease, heart attacks and diabetes. I'm looking forward to seeing that percentage go down.

Antonio Meade from TNT Gourmet Treats came by to share some vegan treats with us too. They were delicious and Antonio was invited to another networking meeting to share his baking philosophy. Antonio and his treats were well received! If you're looking for a yummy, but healthy, alternative for a birthday cake or treats for a special occasion or holiday party, contact Antonio. He can custom bake anything you dream up! Yes, he's THAT good! We were very lucky that he came to our meeting tonight!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Almond Milk vs. Soy Milk

There's this big debate on which is better for you: Almond Milk or Soy.  In my Wellness Club, Almond Milk is the better choice according to our licensed nutritionists.  However, I didn't really understand why that was until recently.

I was at a friends house for dinner one night.  Their diet consists of very clean eating because the wife had gone through some major health issues and found out that she is allergic to gluten and her body has a difficult time processing certain foods.  It was a very educational night as I stood watching the husband cook dinner for his family and his guests.  All the while, I asked him questions about why he made the choices he made about their diet.  A lot of it was through trial and error and quite a bit of research.  They even go as far as preparing their own dressings and marinades and storing food in glass instead of plastic.

I brought up the Almond Milk vs. Soy question.  He said that the reason why soy was not good for you is because it contains estrogen and can really muck up a woman's menstrual cycle not to mention increase the risk of breast cancer.  I had not heard this before, so I did some research and this is what I found:

Soy can act like estrogen
Soy foods (such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, miso, many veggie burgers, and other products made with soy flour) contain isoflavones, which are chemically similar to estrogens. Two major types, genistein and daidzein, can act like estrogen in the body, although at a very small fraction of the potency of circulating free estrogen in women.  
Soy doesn't necessarily "contain" estrogen, but contain chemicals that are "similar to" and "act like" estrogen.  Regardless of these details, I have personally decided on using almond milk instead of soy based on the fact that soy does contain chemicals that could potentially be harmful to my body.  It's your choice, but I encourage you to do your due diligence and research it for yourself instead of following the "soy is better" herd blindly.
I recently got a smoothy at Jamba Juice and asked for a protein boost.  They asked me if I wanted soy or whey - so they give you the choice which is nice.  The debate rages on between Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.  You be the judge, but judge wisely.  Your comments are welcome!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Who Do You Listen To?

I was reading a recipe recently and the author said she uses white rice instead of brown rice because it digests easier.  Then I read a cereal box that stated brown rice is better for your digestion.  Uhhhh... what?  It seemed contrary to one another until I asked a licensed nutritionist and the mystery was explained.

White rice is processed and goes through your digestive tract quicker. That's not necessarily better.  Brown rice is natural and it takes longer to digest. The benefit is that the slow digestion doesn't drive up your blood sugar as quickly. I've learned that controlling your blood sugar is a big part of the weight loss battle in addition to sustaining energy.

Here's another one: Muscle weighs more than fat.  I know you've heard this one before but it didn't make sense to me.  I mean, pound for pound, it would be the same right?  Right!  BUT, per square inch, muscle does weigh more.  It just doesn't take up as much ROOM as fat.  Muscle is more dense.

There are so many mixed messages out there in regards to health and wellness.  The industry is predicted to be the next trillion dollar industry! There are so many theories and gimmicks out there, so beware of who you listen to! Use your common sense. Anything that makes you lose weight without changing what you eat or exercising is probably not good for you.

The results of my plan this week weren't all that different from the week before. I still lost a little bit of weight but my measurements didn't really change. I'm going to focus more on my choices and when Aunt Flow leaves, I'm sure my bloating will decrease.  I have two more weeks to go on the Ignite phase and I am so happy to have lost over 10 pounds so far.  Still feeling good!!

Next week, my friend Antonio Meade from TNT Gourmet Treats will be bringing gluten-free treats to the Wellness Club meeting. I'll be missing Bunco for the first time in a long time, but this lifestyle change is very important to me.  It's working for me and it's working for my friends as well.  I love seeing the results! Let me know if you would like to join me for the meeting on Wednesday, September 10th at 6:30pm.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

OMG! 10 Pounds!

I don't know anyone who doesn't like to see results.  After the week I've had - lack of sleep / missing breakfast / protein bars in lieu of meals - I was prepared to be happy if I didn't GAIN any weight this week.  Imagine my surprise when I saw I had lost another 2 pounds!

I promised myself that I would walk more.  I found that I am consistently walking the equivalent of a mile or more per day.  Sure, not marathon worthy, but still burning around 100 calories just by walking.  The results solidified my belief that if you stick to the plan, you will lose weight... and inches!

I lost .5 inches in my hips and another .5 inches in my thighs - total of 1 inch.  Hey, I'll take it!  My clothes fit better and I'm feeling great!  Aside from popcorn, my body isn't craving sweets or sodium.  I don't feel like I'm missing anything at all which is the best thing about this plan.

Today at the Wellness Club Meeting, we talked about making smart choices.  At this point, it's a habit.  My body is making the choices for me now.  I see donuts and I don't even give it another thought because my body says, "Meh" instead of "Nom nom nom".

And as a RESULT, I've lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks.  I would say I was proud of myself, but honestly, I can't take much credit.  This plan is so freaking easy, even a lazy butt like me can follow it for 21 days until it becomes a habit.  I wish I had learned about this lifestyle earlier.  If you want to feel better but think you're too lazy to commit to a plan, this is the plan for you!

We meet every Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the Long Beach Marina (PCH & 2nd St.).  You are welcome to join me as a guest to learn more about it.  Many of my friends have made the lifestyle change and we are all enjoying a better, healthier life.  Email me at for details.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rocking a Busy Schedule

Ever get the urge to scream "Stop the world! I want to get off!" or "Jane! Get me off this crazy thing!"  That has been my week.  I've had something to do every night, from taking my daughter to get her hair cut to meeting my financial planner to going to the dentist to a planning meeting with my WineShop At Home associate.  This weekend is continuing with the tradition apparently.  So, staying plan has been quite the challenge and I am thankful for protein bars - portable, filling and perfect for those times when my shake alarm goes off while I'm in the car driving from point A to point B.

Wednesday was the Wellness Club Meeting and every time I go, I am so glad I went.  It's something I look forward to every week.  Not only to get measured and weighed, but because there is always a nugget or two of new, great information to learn about health and wellness.  Linda Compton and Dennis Dennehy talked about why diets fail and reminded us that we're not on a diet, we're changing our lifestyle.

So, my measurements are as follows:

Weight: 162.4 lbs (-1.1) - Started at 170 lbs (-7.6 total)
Neck: 14 in (+.5) - Started at 13.5 in (+.5 total)
Bust: 42.5 in. (+.5) - Started at 42 in. (+.5 total)
Waist: 35.5 in. (no change) - Started at 36 in (-.5 total)
Hips: 42.25 in. (-.25) - Started at 43.5 in. (-1.25 total)
Thighs: 19 in. (-1) - Started at 20.75 in. (-1.75 total)

My neck, waist and arms were about the same or a little more.  I know I've lost in my bust because I've had to change to a smaller bra.  Must be the shirts I'm wearing that increased this measurement.  It's clear to me that my weight was mostly gained in my lower half because that's where I'm seeing the most change.  I'm convinced I need a chiro adjustment to get my neck screwed back on straight.  That should also help with my allergy flair up.

This week, I was challenged to walk more (add exercise) and create a healthy pizza.  I also challenge myself to get back on plan with regular healthy dinners which requires a grocery shopping trip. I'll fit that in somewhere along with doing laundry.  Where there's a will, there's a way.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Where's the Rest of Me?

While today is indeed Wednesday, it is Bunco Wednesday.  Therefore, I will not be attending my Wellness Club meeting for the first time since I began this journey.  So, I took it upon myself to do my own measurements because waiting was not an option for me.  My body has definitely changed this week.  The question is, how much?

Per my morning measurements, it looks like I have lost a little in the bust, waist and hips.  The true test was to try on pants that haven't been able to slide past my butt in many moons.  The slacks I've been wearing are a size 12.  This week, my size 8 slacks came out of the closet and guess who wore them to work?  Me!! That right there is the true test!

In other news, the discovery of bell peppers and hummus was made.  This is my new favorite snack.  Bell peppers are also amazing when simply sauteed with mushrooms and onions as a lovely side to a grilled and seasoned chicken breast.  Have I mentioned I'm all about things being simple?  I'm the mayor of Simpleton!

I don't own a scale, so the weight will be measured at the meeting next week.  Another thing that happened this week is I added coffee back into my diet.  Before you freak out, I only have 1 cup of coffee a day. Check out this video to find out 5 things you didn't know about coffee.

I hope to see some of you for Bunco tonight at The Girl Cave!  I'll bring the bell peppers and hummus!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

You're Pulling My Leg

No, I'm totally being serious!  I've lost 6.5 pounds in three weeks!  My neck and bust have seen absolutely no change, but I've lost inches in my arms, waist, hips and thighs.  This week has been challenging because my body was preparing for my "monthly gift" and it showed at measuring time.  I felt bloated.  I only saw changes in my thighs (1 inch), arms (.5 inch) and managed to lose 1.5 lbs. even as I was retaining water.

Yesterday (8/5), I actually had to leave work early because I had a bad headache, fatigue and cramps.  I went home and slept for three hours.  Driving to and from work, I nearly fell asleep!  Today, I made it to work but I still had a headache.  Advil was having little effect, so I broke down and had a cup of coffee.  Wouldn't you know it, the caffeine fixed me right up!  I'm hoping I'll be able to make it through the rest of the week without coffee, but it was a nice treat!

Also, I added grains into my diet and I think they might be increasing my inflammation.  I'm going back to chicken and sautéed veggies this week to see if it makes a difference.  Also, exercise will find it's way into my daily schedule.  Ab crunches, sit ups and leg lifts.  I think I'm ready!  Eventually, a resistance band and exercise ball will be added.

Next Wednesday, I will miss my first Wellness Club meeting ever.  Hey, it's Bunco night!  However, when Wednesday rolls around again, my results will be that much better!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A New Journey

Some of you know about the journey that I've decided to embark on regarding my health.  The problem I set out to solve was my energy level and my growing waste line.  I felt that they were connected and the cause was a poor diet.  Over the years, I have moved away from frequent trips to fast food restaurants, drinking soda and indulging in candy bars.  I thought that was enough for me to be healthy.
I was wrong.
Even though my medical stats looked good, I still felt tired all the time and I also noticed a decrease in motivation and creativity.  It had been on my mind and I was seeking an answer to my dilemma.  Then I saw a friend that I hadn't seen in a few weeks - and she was much thinner than the last time we were together.  I had to find out what she did.
CJ was a self-proclaimed lazy person.  She also admits to being stubborn and doesn't like to be told what to do.  CJ isn't a big fan of "diets" and didn't like the idea of exercise.  So, how did she look so incredible in such a short amount of time?  I had to find out.
She was happy to tell me about her recent lifestyle changes... and I just about fell over when I discovered the truth.  CJ had gone back to the basics - just that simple.  With the help and guidance of a Wellness Group, she re-learned how to feed her body properly.  We all know about protein, carbohydrates and fats.  We just don't put it into practice.  Instead of starving yourself, how about eating every 3 hours? 
Yes.  Every.  Three.  Hours.
I eat more often and the fat is melting off of me.  The key is giving your body the nutrition it needs so it burns fat instead of storing it.  For better results, I decided to eliminate sodium, sugar, bread and caffeine all together and engage in a week-long cleanse.  The first week, I lost .25" off my bust, .5" off my waist and .75" off my hips.  Five pounds were gone.  I'm currently on the second week and my jeans are back to fitting comfortably.  The bloating is gone and my energy has risen and stabilized.
My motivation and clear thinking has returned and I'm getting so much more done.  They say this is an 8 week program, but I believe this is a lifetime commitment to feeling good.  Just understand that life happens and there are days when you will go off plan.  Don't feel bad about it or beat yourself up - just get back on the plan for your next meal three hours later.  I will have my "off plan" days and I'm okay with that.  It won't happen all the time because I feel much better when I'm "on plan".