Sunday, April 24, 2011

When We Realize...

Guest Blogger: Roland Takaoka

"When we realize..."

What I am realizing more and more is that in our world, our Universe, everything is perfect. It is our own lack of vision and limited "seeing" that allows us (free will) to envision, and then create an environment riddled with lack, need, worry, frustration, and disappointment.

Think about it... when you are learning anything new there is a learning curve. As you develop your understanding on this new thing, you will probably run into issues as to how it all works. In trying to make the new thing or application work for you, you will probably encounter things that get in the way of successful processing.

You will think, "What the heck! I followed the directions!" But when you dig deeper, you realize that what you thought you knew was not quite accurate. You make a mental adjustment, that changes your physical application of the process, and VOILA! It works!

That is how life is. For those still looking for clues (all of us) life is for living, not dying, wasting, withering, and diminishing. In living, our discovery is constantly telling us that there is more to the story of life. We do not know it all. Our goal is to take what we understand as the Truth, add onto it, and act in accordance with Truth in this physical life, making it a little better for ourselves, and those around us.

As we turn from thinking in the limited senses, feeling like life ends with physical death, and all we do is grow old and die, we have the opportunity to discover that which is ever-present around us, the Truth of life. This is that in living, we are spiritual beings, created in perfection, always empowered, and always whole.

Which means that if we are always empowered and always whole, we have the ability to create an environment better that that which we traverse.

Because what we think NOW, becomes our tomorrow.

...and when you give that some thought, and get it, you will throw your head back, and LAUGH!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Red Pill, Blue Pill

Isn't it amazing how epiphanies feel? The journey I began after watching, reading and listening to The Secret has been an amazing one so far. As with many people, I was passionate to learn more about the Law of Attraction (LOA) as I listened to the CD's over and over again.

  • Could it be that I could control my future?
  • Was I really responsible for what has happened in my life?
  • Would just simply changing my thoughts make such a big difference?

In my search for more information, people began appearing in my life. First, I met a wonderful lady named Linda. She had this set of CD's that take concept of LOA to a whole new level. I continue to listen to them over and over again, every day.

I then met with a networking colleague of mine, Roland, on a potential project for my company Wicked Marketing. Our conversation ended up on LOA and we were both excited that we had found another person who understood the concept. He gave me a book entitled 'The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent - Living the Art of Allowing' by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham).

I awoke abruptly with an idea one night after reading a couple of chapters of this book. The idea incorporated all of the things I had learned so far on the subject. I began, at 3:00am, to write a business plan for a center called "Feel Good Now". The last page was a list of people I would want to partner with on this project.

My first step was to begin talking to everyone on my partnership list. I didn't know if they were students of LOA or not. It just made sense for them to be involved. As I brought up the subject with one person after another, I was shocked and amazed to find out that each one of them knew about the Law of Attraction and were excited about my project.

As I began putting more and more LOA teachings into practice, things in my life changed and I began to 'manifest' the things I wanted in my life. For instance, I received a call out of the blue from a former work colleague to hire me as a part-time contractor for their marketing department - 30 hours a week of billable time. Guess which prayer that answered for me?

Speaking of prayer, I also began attending church on Sundays - something I hadn't done in probably two decades. I wanted to learn how to pray, now that I knew what the purpose was. Oh, how I wish I had known this years ago!

My next action was to literally 'feel good now'. I was low on energy, a tad over weight and my moods were swinging. Next thing you know, I'm talking to a client of mine who has found the miracle pill that answered my prayers. I began taking this pill once a day, filling my body with kale and coral and other wonderful, natural ingredients. Now I have energy in spades, I'm always happy and I've lost 5 pounds so far. It was just the kick start I needed.

My 'Feel Good Now' project is underway. My partners and I will be creating a terrific complimentary meeting filled with LOA wisdom and sprinkled with delicious food and beverages. Stay tuned for our first meeting details!

Red or blue? Which pill did I take? I took the one that opened my eyes to experience life the way it was meant to be experienced. Every day is new and exciting because I EXPECT it to be amazing. This blog has been created to document my Law of Attraction journey, because I know it will be full of miracles that I will want to share.