Saturday, March 31, 2012

Giving Birth To Epiphany

Okay, kids.  It's time to get serious.  When was the last time you made a big change in your life?  What did it take to cause the realization that the change needed to be made?  It occurs to most people around January 1st of each year that it would be a good time to reflect on the past and make plans for the future.  Well, I'm hear to tell you that epiphanies don't just come once a year - especially in a scheduled fashion.  "Ooh, it's Tuesday! Time for a realization!"

An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something.

Sometimes your thoughts are all jumbled together in your head and they are making you feel unhappy and somewhat depressed.  How do you get that tangled mess straightened out in order to make sense of it?  How do you get to the point where you truly comprehend what is bothering you?

My realizations are like birthing a child sometimes.  I find myself in the midst of Lamaze breathing (also can be confused with hyperventilating) and then TAH DAH - I'm looking at a beautiful baby epiphany with a shocked look on my face.

So, here's the process for giving birth to an epiphany:

Step 1, if things are bothering you - meaning, if you're losing sleep or feeling depressed - write it down.
Step 2, read what you wrote.
Step 3, say "d'oh!"
Step 4, get a glass of wine.  Okay, that may be MY step 4, but you can use it in your epiphany process too.

So, what do you do with these realizations that make you go, "d'oh!"?  If you're like me, you start writing lists. 

Step 5, start making your action list.

Here's an example of a list generated from an epiphany (if you're in your 20's):

1. Stop sleeping with Steve.
2. Only do drugs at work.
3. Get a tan before summer.

I wonder what HER epiphany was.  My recent list was more evolved for my age bracket. (Shut up.)

So, go out there and start birthing! Yes, you men out there also!  Get to the root of your issues and make an action plan to improve your existence here on Earth.  Life is too short to be sad.

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