Sunday, August 3, 2014

A New Journey

Some of you know about the journey that I've decided to embark on regarding my health.  The problem I set out to solve was my energy level and my growing waste line.  I felt that they were connected and the cause was a poor diet.  Over the years, I have moved away from frequent trips to fast food restaurants, drinking soda and indulging in candy bars.  I thought that was enough for me to be healthy.
I was wrong.
Even though my medical stats looked good, I still felt tired all the time and I also noticed a decrease in motivation and creativity.  It had been on my mind and I was seeking an answer to my dilemma.  Then I saw a friend that I hadn't seen in a few weeks - and she was much thinner than the last time we were together.  I had to find out what she did.
CJ was a self-proclaimed lazy person.  She also admits to being stubborn and doesn't like to be told what to do.  CJ isn't a big fan of "diets" and didn't like the idea of exercise.  So, how did she look so incredible in such a short amount of time?  I had to find out.
She was happy to tell me about her recent lifestyle changes... and I just about fell over when I discovered the truth.  CJ had gone back to the basics - just that simple.  With the help and guidance of a Wellness Group, she re-learned how to feed her body properly.  We all know about protein, carbohydrates and fats.  We just don't put it into practice.  Instead of starving yourself, how about eating every 3 hours? 
Yes.  Every.  Three.  Hours.
I eat more often and the fat is melting off of me.  The key is giving your body the nutrition it needs so it burns fat instead of storing it.  For better results, I decided to eliminate sodium, sugar, bread and caffeine all together and engage in a week-long cleanse.  The first week, I lost .25" off my bust, .5" off my waist and .75" off my hips.  Five pounds were gone.  I'm currently on the second week and my jeans are back to fitting comfortably.  The bloating is gone and my energy has risen and stabilized.
My motivation and clear thinking has returned and I'm getting so much more done.  They say this is an 8 week program, but I believe this is a lifetime commitment to feeling good.  Just understand that life happens and there are days when you will go off plan.  Don't feel bad about it or beat yourself up - just get back on the plan for your next meal three hours later.  I will have my "off plan" days and I'm okay with that.  It won't happen all the time because I feel much better when I'm "on plan".


  1. Good for you my friend. I've been feeling the same way. Keep us posted on pitfalls and progress!
